Friday, 30 March 2012


WAY TO GO MARIT!  Buy a KARMA KOFFEE for the guy in line behind you aaaaaaand GAGNEZ!  Another RIM-RIM!  What a great start to a Friday morning.  YEESSSSSS!

It's practically guar-RIM-teed - Karma never fails.  Which definitely can't be said for students this time of the year. With final presentations, term papers and exams piling up - there is always room to improve your odds for SUCCESS.  So think about that next time you are in line.  You might be buying more than just a coffee for your line-up neighbour - you just might be buying a coff-"A", maybe even a coff-"A+"!  That is something no student can pass up on!



Sunday, 25 March 2012

Proof that good deeds make more KARMA

As mentioned in the post below (Recycle Iron, Man), part of our KARMA generating initiative is to perform a good deed for Mother Nature to make up for the paper cups that get trashed in order to participate in the best game ever, Roll Up the Rim to Win!  

The good deed can be anything good & deedy but putting a used RUTRTW cup where it belongs - like RECYCLING IT or even picking up littered cups - really seems to be the winning way.  Just yesterday I was good-deeding by cleaning out Matt's car so that cups could be placed into the recycling containers - and I GAGNEZ'ed un CAFE on a cup rolling around on the floor!   What good-deeding have you been doing?

This could totally be you with a basket of KARMA!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Erasing Garbage Guilt

Do you enjoy your RUTRTW guiltily from your paper cup?  'Cause we all know our reusable cups sits sadly (and empty) in our bag, our car, or our cupboard during this season.  Buuuuuut it's RUTRTW and we have to play.  Regardless, I know the little guilty feeling you have...........

But Listen. Listen. Listen.  I have a solution. I have a solution!  A solution to erase your garbage guilt.  And it's sooooooo easy for us!  WE ALREADY LIVE BY THE PRINCIPLES! We just have to focus!   

Here it is.........Completely erase garbage guilt by offsetting your paper cup with a good deed for Mother Nature. OMG! WE LooOVE GOOD DEEDS. See - I totally wasn't kidding when I said "We already live by the principles!".  

So, like, what am I talking about?! Totally easy-peasie things. Like recycle something you otherwise wouldn't have.  Walk to the grocery store.  Eat one meal without meat.  For one hour, read instead of watch TV.  But easiest one of all...RECYCLE your cup.  Just seperate the lid from the cup put them into their recycle containers.  Seeeee? Eeeeeasy-peeeeasie.

Recycle Iron (& cups), Man.  It's where recycling AND punctuation come together to make GOOD DEEDS FUN!  YEEEeeeSSSsss!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Well, I had 2 free spins today, but alas no wins. I did get an invitation to try again next there is still hope for 2013! Thanks for all the support with all the tail wagging and such!

Thanks for the update Marit!  I love your positive attitude for 2013 - way to plan for the long term!   

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Good luck on your FREE SPIN tomorrow Marit :D

We are sending you the best RUTRTW Rrrrroulette vibes ! 

Because of Marit's perserverance at Roll Up Rrrroulette she earned herself a FREE SPIN that she gets to use tomorrow.  So let's support our fellow RUTRTWer and send her some GOOD LUCK VIBES (instructions below).  She will appreciate them as she spins the RRrrrrRRRrrrRRRRRoulette wheel and hopes for a GAGNEZ!!


Say, outloud, rRRRrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrRRrrrrRRRrrrRRRRRRrrrRRrrrrrrRRRR and all the while - wiggle your fingers towards you monitor and wag. your. tail.  And don't be telling me you don't have no tail to wag - just be waggin' it already!!  Practise a couple of times, in time it will start to feel natural.... trust me!)


Friday, 16 March 2012

Welcome Back to Coffee Mircea

Gotta send a little shout out to my friend Mircea who is finally returning from Alert (Canada's most northern city/town/landing strip in Nunavut). 

Now we all know why it is called Alert!

He has been there since God-knows-when - in fact, just last week, he sent me a photograph of THE SUN.  Because it was a big deal.  It was a big deal because he hadn't seen the sun since God-knows-when!  

So WELCOME BACK Mircea!!  Enjoy your first RUTRTW!!  We are all crossing our (unfrost-bitten) fingers for your first GAGNEZ of the season :)

Humility & picking up garbages makes you a WINNER

First Shannon.  Then me.  Then Sophia.

Having the humility to pick up what you suspect to be a possible unrolled RUTRTW cup (sometimes called "garbage") is pretty frickin' awesome.  It is that humility that transforms one woman's trash into another woman's treasure.

Keeping the streets free of rubbish deserves more than a GAGNEZ CAFE or GAGNEZ BEIGNE.  But because no one is going to GAGNEZ SUPERHERO CAPE you for keeping your neighbourhood litter-free - consider the winning rims fist bumps from Mother Nature herself!  yeesssss.

So keep takin' good care of your hood - it will always give back what you put in!  It's RIM-RIM.


Here's an update!  Keep up the great work all.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking

This is what we must harness in order to increase our chances of winning RUTRTW!
 There is a hybrid Camry on the line friends - it is worth it to relentlessly think positive thoughts.
You have to see yourself INSIDE of RUTRTW in order to see yourself INSIDE the Camry.    

I have created a little visual to help you help yourself visualize yourself INSIDE a CAMRY!  It is pure, relentless positive thinking aaand WINNING! YESSSS!

Can you see yourself INSIDE it NOW ?!

How far would you go for a RUTRTW?

The other night on the bus, the driver spoke into this random, I've-never-noticed-it-before, black telephone attached to the windshield, and quazi-shouted "YES YES, at the next stop".  Which I kinda though was strange - but mehhh - who am I to judge, I don't know how to drive a bus. 

So no matter, he keeps driving - which is normal and good bus business - so I think nothing more of it. At the next stop a gaggle of silly passengers make a ruckus getting off through the back door. I turn to watch, of course - because they were silly - and who doesn't watch silly?  Once I got my silly fill, I turn back around and see that the front door is open and the driver is GONE. The driver is gone.

Seems like odd bus operating protocol - but mehh........  So..... we wait. And wait.  And it is getting cold at the front of the bus cause the driver left the door open when he raced outta the bus.  But we waited some more - for at least 175 seconds.  Which feels looooooong when you are distracted by a ruckus, getting chilled from the breezy night air and kinda worried that the bus driver knew something "Speed-like" was about to happen and sacrificed me to save himself.

Then, whoosh, in comes the driver, breathing a little heavy like he had just power walked or maybe even jogged a few steps or something.  Low and behold guess what is in his hand - yep.  You know it -- a RUTRTW!!!

And then it all made sense!  He got a drop off!  The driver got a drop off!!  He is awesome and so is whoever was 'speeding' along to meet him "at the next stop". 

And that, my friends, is how far a Bus Driver will go to get a RUTRTW :)