Sunday 4 March 2012

How far would you go for a RUTRTW?

The other night on the bus, the driver spoke into this random, I've-never-noticed-it-before, black telephone attached to the windshield, and quazi-shouted "YES YES, at the next stop".  Which I kinda though was strange - but mehhh - who am I to judge, I don't know how to drive a bus. 

So no matter, he keeps driving - which is normal and good bus business - so I think nothing more of it. At the next stop a gaggle of silly passengers make a ruckus getting off through the back door. I turn to watch, of course - because they were silly - and who doesn't watch silly?  Once I got my silly fill, I turn back around and see that the front door is open and the driver is GONE. The driver is gone.

Seems like odd bus operating protocol - but mehh........  So..... we wait. And wait.  And it is getting cold at the front of the bus cause the driver left the door open when he raced outta the bus.  But we waited some more - for at least 175 seconds.  Which feels looooooong when you are distracted by a ruckus, getting chilled from the breezy night air and kinda worried that the bus driver knew something "Speed-like" was about to happen and sacrificed me to save himself.

Then, whoosh, in comes the driver, breathing a little heavy like he had just power walked or maybe even jogged a few steps or something.  Low and behold guess what is in his hand - yep.  You know it -- a RUTRTW!!!

And then it all made sense!  He got a drop off!  The driver got a drop off!!  He is awesome and so is whoever was 'speeding' along to meet him "at the next stop". 

And that, my friends, is how far a Bus Driver will go to get a RUTRTW :) 

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