Wednesday, 29 February 2012

LEAP Day is LUCK Day

As Kerrie put it "Leap Day must really mean LUCK Day". And oh-my, I couldn't have put it better myself! 

Kerrie, Kevin AND me all GAGNEZ today!  

Did you GAGNEZ today?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Results up to February 28th

EVERYONE is beating the odds (see post below for further information) !!  Keep it UP!! 

Monday, 27 February 2012

1 in 6    =    one in six    =    1/6    =    16.6666666% 

That, my friends, are our odds. The odds of winning anything at RUTRTW.  
The odds are spectacular - practically guaranteed even - if you consider the odds of other things in our lives. 

Like, for example, Ali Binazir suggests that the chances of *you* being here on planet earth is somewhere around 1 in 40,000,000,000,000,000.  [It's kinda a long story. He gets into details that blab on about 4 trillion sperm and a hundred thousand eggs but I think it has more to do with how your Homosapien great great great (etc) grandfather must have been some phenom of a mammoth hunter to perpetuate the genetic lineage that you my friend, are currently at the end of.  (No pressure - but don't eff it up)]. 

No matter, the point is poignant. Chances of winning at RUTRTW are better than your chances of actually being alive today!  That is totally something to celebrate!!! 

So "Cheers" to us all and to the super fluky what-are-the-chances odds that got us to where we are today.  Which actually, if you are lucky, might be in a line-up somewhere waiting for a winning RUTRTW :)    

Friday, 24 February 2012


 Everyone Loves Karma - Buy someone a coffee today!

BAM! And then just like that, the magic of a KARMA KUP pays off! 

Well done Mark! Your thoughtfullness totally  paid off. You won a coffee today - finally breaking your 0 for 4 streak -- all thanks to the Karma Kup earlier this week!  

Pass on good KARMA to yourself by buying someone else a coffee! 
It's Rim-Rim!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Day 2

Okay Gang, Things are looking great!

Here are some preliminary results:

Monday, 20 February 2012


I am going to have my first this afternoon and I CAN'T wait. So excited.
Kerrie had her first sippy bliss this morning - and she got a DOUBLE CUP! 

Kerries Double Cup First Sippy Bliss of the Season

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

It's finally almost here! 
Roll up the Rim is back February 20th 


February 14th

What a delicious celebration!  Tasty treats + Feb 14 inspiration = the best of both worlds.

But I think it is more than just 'both' worlds.  'Both' implies that it is only two worlds that are colliding when in fact, one could argue that this 'Be Mine Deliciousness', is at the intersection of at least four worlds colliding.  To elaborate - this is what I think is colliding:

1) heart shaped food
2) pink & red glitter  (sometimes called sprinkles)
3) chocolate smearing on top, and
4) A brilliant name: Be Mine.  awwwww

Soooo... it isn't just "the best of both worlds".  It is more like "the best of all worlds" or "the best of quad worlds" or maybe the "the best of quarted worlds".

No matter which order of magnitude you want to think about donuts in, be sure that some worldly collisions happen between the TH 'Be Mine' and your mouth. 'Cause that is the best of both worlds for sure!

 Heart shaped food with glitter + my mouth = the best of both worlds

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A, B, C, D......

So about the new cup sizes -- and I'm not talking about the A, B, C or D cup sizes that you might be thinking about....... (ah-hem boobies)   No. I am talking about the new TH coffee (or tea, or milky coffee taste) cup sizes. 

They are new(ish)!  Have you noticed?  You may not have noticed the change in cup sizes if you are like me and sleep walk to the coffee counter, mumble, "eye-wha-lie-a-coffee-phlease" and then gulp down the steamy tastiness all before realising that you are actually *not* in your own kitchen nor (thankfully) still in your pajama's. 

But what you are likely to notice is how you walk faster, talk faster and type faster than you did before the new cup sizes. Basically, you are way better at work thanks to the TH cup size adjustments!  There is just soooooo much win-win here!  We get more coffee and we type harder! Perfect!

The best part?  When you become desensitized to the extra jolt and begin to wane, Stephen Harper will (to bolster Canadian productivity) insist that TH issue another cup size increase.  Hooray -- more coffee!! 

Stephen Harper about to drink his "Canadian Productivity Juice".
(Like our current take on Kyoto, it's a true "made-in-Canada" solution)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

options, options, options

So many options to make drinking deliciousness better everyday.

Even IiiiiiI have options.  Two options actually. Option One is to discuss the NEW (new last week) cup sizes aaaaaand Option Two is to discuss the TH Latte.

Firstly, we should discuss Option Two - the new, but really not that new, TH latte which TH confusingly calls 'milky coffee taste'. Yah, that's right - they actually print this on their website.  Milky Coffee Taste.  What does milky coffee taste even mean......or taste like for that matter?  PalEEze advise once tested and tasted.

But wait, there is a QUIZ ( that you can take to match you with the perfect milky-coffee-taste beverage.  Soooo now you can know before testing every single one.  Perfect thinking TH. 

Secondly, Option One. Tomorrow.