Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A, B, C, D......

So about the new cup sizes -- and I'm not talking about the A, B, C or D cup sizes that you might be thinking about....... (ah-hem boobies)   No. I am talking about the new TH coffee (or tea, or milky coffee taste) cup sizes. 

They are new(ish)!  Have you noticed?  You may not have noticed the change in cup sizes if you are like me and sleep walk to the coffee counter, mumble, "eye-wha-lie-a-coffee-phlease" and then gulp down the steamy tastiness all before realising that you are actually *not* in your own kitchen nor (thankfully) still in your pajama's. 

But what you are likely to notice is how you walk faster, talk faster and type faster than you did before the new cup sizes. Basically, you are way better at work thanks to the TH cup size adjustments!  There is just soooooo much win-win here!  We get more coffee and we type harder! Perfect!

The best part?  When you become desensitized to the extra jolt and begin to wane, Stephen Harper will (to bolster Canadian productivity) insist that TH issue another cup size increase.  Hooray -- more coffee!! 

Stephen Harper about to drink his "Canadian Productivity Juice".
(Like our current take on Kyoto, it's a true "made-in-Canada" solution)

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